Data is the world’s most valuable commodity and yet few businesses extract decisive value from it: opportunities pass them by, threats go undetected.

Business leaders seeking to protect against threats and capitalize on opportunities require information awareness from all sides of an increasingly complex data prism - to know more; to see further; to act faster; and anticipate sooner.

Blindside’s proprietary AI automates full spectrum deep data capture, ingestion, fusion, hygeining, analytics, and visualization for commercial clients worldwide in full GDPR compliance.

Blindside’s proprietary technology suite offers a comprehensive solution for delivering fully automated data analytics services to our clients. We aim to empower our clients with actionable insights, delivering:

Increased Efficiency

Automation reduces manual effort, accelerates data processing, and enables faster decision-making.

Enhanced Insights

Advanced analytics techniques uncover hidden patterns, trends, and correlations in the data, leading to actionable insights.


Automation reduces labor costs associated with manual data processing and analysis tasks.


The solution can scale seamlessly to handle growing volumes of data and evolving business requirements.


Adherence to data security and privacy regulations ensures compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

Data Ingestion

Automated processes for collecting vast data assets.

Data Preprocessing

Cleaning, standardizing, and transforming raw data into consistent formats suitable for analysis.

Data Storage

Secure storage infrastructure for both raw and processed data.

Analytics Engine

Advanced analytics algorithms and machine learning models for performing descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, and prescriptive analytics tasks.

Visualization and Reporting

Interactive dashboards and customizable reports to visualize insights and communicate findings effectively to stakeholders.

Automation Engine

Workflow automation tools to orchestrate the entire analytics pipeline, from data ingestion to reporting, with minimal manual intervention.